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当你在捷克留学的时候, 你将有机会学习一些捷克语技能, 在欧洲最好的大学之一继续深造, 住在欧洲最可爱的国家之一. 体验迷人的布拉格之城, 中欧最美丽的城市之一. Walk across the historic 14th century Charles Bridge and pose for a photo with one of its many 巴洛克风格的雕塑. Check the sun and moon’s phases on 布拉格’s exquisite astronomical clock in the Old Town Square. Catch a show or just admire the architecture at the National Theater, 歌剧之乡, 戏剧, 和芭蕾舞表演. 在伏尔塔瓦河租一艘脚踏船,在水上享受一天. Spend a spring or summer afternoon strolling through the picturesque Vrtba Garden, 哪里有修剪整齐的绿色树篱, 明亮的花朵, 巴洛克风格的雕塑, 城市的全景创造了一个隐藏的绿洲. 当你准备好冒险出城的时候, 去奥洛穆茨或布尔诺看看, where the 捷克共和国’s unique allure and culture come out in the architecture, 城堡, 公园, 熟悉的红色屋顶.     




随着经济的增长, vibrant arts and music scenes and architectural styles ranging from Gothic to Baroque to Art Nouveau, 布拉格是探索捷克文化的理想场所.
65°F (18°C)
30°F (-1.3°C)
  • 业务
  • 人文学科
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学

在现场比赛中挖掘全国对曲棍球的热情. 在卡罗维发利的温泉水疗中心度过轻松的一天. Hike to the serene Resov Waterfalls in the Nízký Jeseník Mountains or through ecologically diverse Krkonoše National Park. Take a tour of the Konopištĕ Castle in Benešov to see the chambers of the ill-fated Archduke Franz Fredinand and stroll through the lovely grounds featuring a rose garden and resident peacocks. Experience Czech cinema at the country’s international 电影 festival or rock out at the Rock for People music festival, 如果你夏天在乡下的话. While Czech food may be different from what you’re used to, don’t hesitate to try it out! You can’t go wrong with a hot bowl of Czech goulash or a plate of potato pancakes. 如果你更有冒险精神, 试试经典的捷克菜svíčková, 蔬菜奶油酱牛肉配面包饺子, 鲜奶油, 旁边还有蔓越莓酱. Satisfy your sweet tooth with some fresh gingerbread from a 当地的 bakery; the Czech version of this common treat can’t be beat. 





CEA CAPA布拉格中心, 布拉格的纽约大学, 查尔斯大学, 英美大学

The 学习+宝博体育 program in 布拉格 is designed for students who are aspiring professionals that want to distinguish themselves in an evolving global job market. The program allows you to make progress toward your academic degree and remain on track for graduation, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. 在节目中, you will intern at a 当地的 host organization while also taking our mandatory Global 宝博体育 Course and additional courses. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, and your personalized internship placement will help you acquire professional experience from a global perspective and learn from professionals in an international context. 程序选项取决于位置, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, 兼职及全职宝博体育, 以及英语和东道国语言宝博体育


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  • 起价7295美元

如果你是一个艺术爱好者或一般的文化爱好者, 捷克共和国有很多创造性的乐趣供你享受. View the genre-defining Art Nouveau paintings of Czech native Alphonse Mucha in his dedicated museum. Visit the famous bar, Café Louvre, where world-renown Czech writer Franz Kafka used to socialize. Spend a weekend evening touring 布拉格’s jazz clubs to hear live music or try the more unconventional method of riding the Jazz Boat down the Vltava. 接近大卫的奇怪的公共雕塑Černý, as you roam 布拉格’s streets: Sigmund Freud hanging from a tall beam, 卡夫卡的不锈钢反光头, 还有巨大的爬行婴儿. 如果你是个书虫, 在捷克你会有宾至如归的感觉, where independent bookstores continue to thrive and centuries-old libraries with dazzling interior design remain in operation.  



  • 宠物ř山

    This park full of trees is a great place for a calm and pleasant stroll any time of the year. The park is adjacent to 布拉格’s busy historical center and just a few minutes’ walk from the CEA 布拉格 Center! 在你上山的路上, 选择许多隐藏路径, 您将欣赏到布拉格地标的美景, 在山顶, 你可以爬上埃菲尔铁塔复制品!

    提示:这只是市内众多公园中的一个. 其他包括Stromovka或divok Šárka.

  • 农贸市场

    从三月到十二月, several independent farmers markets set up shop in town squares throughout the city on the weekends. The countryside is not far from 布拉格, so 当地的 producers are within reach. 市场不仅是购买新鲜农产品的好地方, 还要有独特的味道, 当地的, 有机食品和饮料,并享受中午的户外音乐会. 纳普拉夫卡市场因几个原因而闻名, including its calm riverside location on a large landing below street level.

  • 约翰·列侬墙

    在共产主义时期, this otherwise normal wall became a location for the unsanctioned expression of dissent. 标准的涂鸦在布拉格的其他地方很常见, but the Lennon Wall has always been the place to express support for peace, 民主, 和团结. The name comes from an image of John Lennon painted by an unknown person, 还有一些披头士的歌词, 约翰·列侬于1980年被杀后不久. 这一传统一直延续至今, and socially aware messages persistently replace each other on this graffiti-allowed wall

  • 文化节庆

    不管一年中的什么时候, 布拉格几乎总是有庆祝音乐的节日, 电影, 视觉艺术, 跳舞, 剧院, 或者任何其他文化艺术形式. Signal Fest installs original light exhibitions in public places throughout the city over a few days each October. Febio Fest is an international 电影 festival taking place in March that has been going on almost as long as the country has been free from Communism. 这只是你众多节日选择中的两个例子. 除了节日, almost every day of the week you can find some kind of performance (classical music, 芭蕾舞, 等.)在一个美丽的历史剧院.