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供在校学生使用 & Interning Abroad
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我们是CEA CAPA海外教育. Pleased to meet you!
CEA CAPA has provided high quality study and intern abroad programs for 25 years. 在13个国家有数百个项目, we have an option that fits your student’s academic and personal goals. 如果是一个学术项目的概念 国外对你来说是新鲜的,我们鼓励你阅读我们的 study and internship abroad pages to learn more about why these programs are an important part of the college experience and how they positively impact a student’s academic and career trajectory.
CEA CAPA in Action
At CEA CAPA, the health, safety, and well-being of our students are our highest priorities. We believe that a successful study or intern abroad program begins before a student gets on an airplane. Our Health & 安全小组在这里提供支持 你的学生从一开始就为他们在国外的时间做准备. All CEA CAPA students have access to health and wellness resources and advising, and our Health & 安全小组可以秘密地讨论每个学生的 个人健康和保健问题. Every CEA CAPA program includes a travel health insurance plan through 国际文化保险服务公司(CISI) and with this plan, students can access a custom portal to download their insurance card, 在国外寻找医疗或心理保健提供者, 获取他们旅行的重要文件. 在紧急情况下,学生们 家属可以全天候联系CEA CAPA寻求支持. Please see our Health & Wellness page 浏览保险小册子、常见问题解答等.
Financial Options
CEA CAPA strives to provide high quality programming at an accessible cost. The cost of studying or interning abroad varies according to many factors—but most students can find programs that align with costs at their home campus. All CEA CAPA项目包括学费, housing, 国际保险, onsite support, excursions, and so much more, 使我们的节目易于计划和预算. CEA CAPA offers scholarships, grants, flight vouchers, and other options 以帮助降低出勤的总成本. 你的学生也有这个选择 建立无息付款计划. Lastly, your student can check with their home institution regarding potential financial aid options.